The Sigma team is involved in a wide range of national and international projects and has collaborations at local, national and international level.
Different research projects have been or are being carried out in different application domains.
Current projects
- ERC Synergy Nano Bubbles : How, when and why does science fail to correct itself ?
- LabCom ANR MeetUX : Platform for innovation through remote user experience
- CIFRE contract with STMicroelectronics company : end-user adaptation of company software – the case of PLM software at Microelectronics.
- CIFRE contract with Calystene : Predicting nursing workload from patients profiling and nursing scheduling
Previous projects
- Internal project LIG Web site relooking: self-adaptation of municipal websites according to the interests of citizens and local elected representatives.
- MOBIPA project (AURA region funding) : Inclusive mobility for elderly
- Cifre Contract with INCOM : variability of performance indicator calculation
- CDP IDEX UGA CIRCULAR : designing CIRCULAR industrial systems for the Industry of the Future
- IDEX Formation InterCCom : InterCultural Communication (projet Idex Formation)
- PHC Toubkal SMARTROAD : intelligent services for traffic fluidity.
- Projet Seek&Blastn en partenariat avec l’Université de Sydney : test de conformité d’une description d’une séquence nucléotidique dans des publications de recherche biomédicale
- CIFRE contract with NetInvaders : Process mining et business process improvement
- Projet Springer-Nature : Détection de textes générés automatiquement dans les publications de l’éditeur Springer
- ANR InnoServ : INNOvation des SERVices à la personne fragile (Services innovation for fragile people). Some films illustrate service innovation proposals through scenarios
- ANR ACIC : Absortive Capacity for Innovation in Companies.
- ANR MOANO : Aide à la découverte d’un territoire
- FUI EnergeTIC : Control system for data centers energy efficiency
- ALAP : Ambiant assisted Living for Ageing People
- Projet Région Rhône Alpes DéSIT : Pervasive, personalized and secure information systems
- ARTECO : Energy-efficient fault tolerant sensor array applications.
The sigma team collaborates with various national and international organizations; with private and institutional partners.
Current collaborations
- Fédération de recherche INNOVACS
- Agence de conseil en innovation IXIADE
- Société STMicroelectronics
- Société Calystène
Previous collaborations
- Springer
- Orange
- Bull
- SchneiderElectrics
- Arcan